This is the information page about the shipwreck Name nicht bekannt, the water chart below shows the wreck in its immediate vicinity. The position of this wreck is 53 59.044 N,0 7.15 E (53.7402833, 0.2099667)
Open the Water Map of this area in a full window
The texts accompanying this shipwreck are in English ๐ฌ๐ง, as they are prepared by the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) based on data from UKHO and the hydrographic services of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, among others. They include the known details of the wreck and the comments of the cartographers who have checked the position and condition of the wreck over time.
Name: Name nicht bekannt
Year of registration: 1944
Water depth above wreck: 32 meter, Height above seabed: 113 cm
Known since: 1979, last detected: 20160310
Details measurements/cartography: PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT TO BE HMS FAIRY. SEE [8974]. H01624/44 14.6.44 INS NDW (PA) IN 535905N, 000706E. LC 1190. 10.4.72 AMEND TO WK 15MTRS. NC 121. 9.5.74 AMEND TO WK 14.3MTRS [LAT]. NC 121. H2534/74 28.11.79 BAD OBSTN (WK) REPD IN 535935N, 000726E. POSN BY DECCA. (KINGFISHER BOOK OF TOWS, VOL 1). H5084/77 21.3.80 SMALL COMPACT CONTACT EXAM'D 28.11.79 IN 535902N, 000716E [OGB] USING HIFIX/6 [2 LOP]. LEAST E/S DEPTH 28.6 IN GEN DEPTH 33.5MTRS. NO SCOUR. DCS3 HT 3.9MTRS, LENGTH 35MTRS. LIES 040/220 DEGS. (HMS ECHO, HI 64/79). BR STD. H1942/76 9.3.81 SWEPT 22.7.80. CLEAR AT 28.7, FOUL AT 28.8MTRS. (SOISS, HI 65/80). 4.10.88 REPORTED TO BE A SMALL SS. (R WALKER, TELECON). HH100/351/06 8.4.93 DIVED ON OCT 1988 IN 535901N, 000719.5E [OGB]. HIGHEST PART IS A BOILER WHICH STANDS 3MTRS HIGH. STERN COLLAPSED AND BOW MISSING. CARGO INCLUDES WOODEN BOXES MARKED 'BOVRIL' AND PIG IRON. (G WADSWORTH, 1.3.93). SEP 2016/000053291 5.10.16 EXAM'D 10.3.16; IN 5359.044N, 0007.150 [WGD]. LEAST M/B DEPTH 27.58MTRS, GEN DEPTH 32MTRS. LENGTH 53.0MTRS, WIDTH 31.0MTRS, HT 5.2MTRS, ORIENTATION 113/293 DEGS. STRONG MAGNETIC ANOMALY, WK CONSIDERABLY DEGRADED. (MMT, HI 1473, H525_8983). AMEND DW 27.5MTRS IN REVISED POSN.
Comment researcher: UK Hydrographic Office
Commentaar onderzoeker: Wreck well degraded.
Position: 53 59.044 N,0 7.15 E