Information about Water Map Live
The Netherlands is really beautiful on the water. Water Map Live will show you around.
Maybe you already know the apps The Tides and Sea Weather. They have been around since 2012 and 2014 and use data from the measuring networks of Rijkswaterstaat and the KNMI. In the years that followed, more and more nautical government data became available, wouldn't it be nice to combine that data into one large app? That became Water Map Live, born in 2018 and still in development. It is a gigantic project, but Watermap Live is already very complete and in many areas better than traditional water maps. We want to achieve a lot with it: the most reliable current water data, available to everyone for free or for a small fee.
Via apps and website
Thanks to the website and the apps for iOS and Android as a skipper you can plan your journey and arrival intelligently and stay constantly informed of the ever-changing environmental variables during your journey. The apps also offer a lot for non-sailing water enthusiasts. The amount of data in the apps and website is enormous.
Do you want to know what the weather will be like, where you can swim, what time the tide is low or high tide and how high the waves are? Or perhaps see the latest topographical maps, or real aerial photographs? Everything is available.
Open data is the key
There is therefore an enormous amount of open data available about the condition of the Dutch waterway network, but the problem is that it is available in a highly fragmented manner. The real value of all this data is only truly unlocked by connecting it and using it within a common context. Water Map Live therefore links the water data from many different parts of Rijkswaterstaat, the provinces, water boards, port companies, municipalities, private waterway managers and KNMI. And not only that, this data is delivered as much as possible in real time and kept up to date automatically. The Water Map Live servers work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to retrieve and process this data: directly from government systems, clearly presented.
272.000 objects
The Water Map Live databases now contain the data of more than 272.000 objects, we are working hard to unlock more and more data. The Water Map Live apps now have more than 40,000 active users, and the website is consulted more than 100,000 times a month.
Water Map Live uses a rich collection of (open) data to make the charts as complete as possible. The suppliers of this data are, in no particular order: Rijkswaterstaat, KNMI, Kadaster, the provinces, water boards, port authorities, municipalities, private waterway operators, Open Street Map, Open Ship Data, RIVM, Nautin, TomTom, Strand Veilig, KNRM, the Royal Dutch Navy, the UK Hydrographic Office, the Hydrological Information Centre (HIC) Flanders, the European inland navigation information service EURiS, the Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) and the Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes (WSV).
This is a privacy-friendly website respects your online privacy, which also means that this website contains no tracked advertising and no external trackers, so no external analytics, no Facebook tags, no marketing trackers or more of that kind. Absolutely nothing. Of course, we do measure what visitors do on the website ourselves: this way we know how busy it is, which pages are popular, whether the website is visited a lot with mobile or desktops, etc. We use the open source system of Matomo for this, which we run on one of our own servers. The collected data is not used outside of this basic analysis and certainly not traded. When you log in to your account, a cookie is placed on your machine. However, this is purely functional: to ensure that you remain logged in. Nothing more.
Terms of Use
We do our utmost to ensure that the information on the website is always correct and up to date, but errors can always occur in a data stream as large as that of Water Map Live. Thus: the use of the website is of course entirely at your own responsibility. Always think for yourself, check, and if something is not right, please let us know via de Fairway reporter, and we will the right.
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