This is the information page about the shipwreck Name nicht bekannt, the water chart below shows the wreck in its immediate vicinity. The position of this wreck is 53 5.122 N,1 15.525 E (53.3729833, 1.0462167)
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The texts accompanying this shipwreck are in English ๐ฌ๐ง, as they are prepared by the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) based on data from UKHO and the hydrographic services of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, among others. They include the known details of the wreck and the comments of the cartographers who have checked the position and condition of the wreck over time.
Name: Name nicht bekannt
Year of registration: 1941
Water depth above wreck: 26 meter, Height above seabed: 183 cm
Known since: 1941, last detected: 20200407
Details measurements/cartography: H03213/41 5.12.41 WK IN 530504N, 011540E. LIES 13FMS ON HEADING 135 DEG. A MAST SHOWS 9FT ABOVE MHWS. (FOIC YARMOUTH, 19.9.41). INS AS DW WITH G CON BUOY, GPFL(3) G 10S, 056 DEG 100YDS FROM WK.
- NM 2883/41. H03213/41 22.6.43 WK IN 530504N, 011540E SWEPT CLEAR AT 44, FOUL AT 46FT [MLWS]. (FOIC YARMOUTH, 3.6.43). AMEND TO WK 7FMS 2FT. DELETE BUOY.
- NM 1234/43. H332/62 4.2.64 EXAM'D IN 530503N, 011543E. SWEPT CLEAR AT 59, FOUL AT 61FT. GEN DEPTH 83FT. (HMS SCOTT, 1963). AMEND TO WK 9FMS 4FT. BR STD. 8.3.72 AMEND TO SW 17.7MTRS [LAT]. NC 105. HH090/561/01 4.1.93 EXAM'D 20.9.92 IN 530504.9N, 011537.7E [OGB] USING SYLEDIS. SWEPT CLEAR AT 18.1, FOUL AT 18.5MTRS. LEAST E/S DEPTH 18.0 IN GEN DEPTH 26MTRS. SCOUR DEPTH 2.2MTRS. DCS3 HT 2.8MTRS, LENGTH 60MTRS, WIDTH 30MTRS. LIES 025/205 DEG. (SEATEAM, HI 561). SEP 2020/000083299 11.1.21 EXAM'D 07.04.20; IN 5305.122N, 0115.525E [WGD]. LEAST WCD DEPTH 18.61MTRS IN GEN DEPTH 26MTRS, LENGTH 58.6MTRS, WIDTH 20.64MTRS, HT 8.44MTRS, ORIENTATION 003/183 DEGS. SCOUR DIMENSIONS LENGTH 37.15MTRS, WIDTH 26.86MTRS, 0.96MTRS DEEP, TOWARDS 105 DEGS. (A-2-SEA SOLUTIONS LTD, HI 1673, H525 WI-9226). AMEND DW 18.6MTRS IN REVISED POSN.
Comment researcher: UK Hydrographic Office
Commentaar onderzoeker: Heavily degraded wreck with one main structure intact to the north of the debris. Majority of structure is surrounded with scour, most significant scour situated to the west.
Position: 53 5.122 N,1 15.525 E