This is the information page about the shipwreck Name nicht bekannt, the water chart below shows the wreck in its immediate vicinity. The position of this wreck is 51 23.661 N,0 38.026 E (51.4419333, 0.9285833)
Open the Water Map of this area in a full window
The texts accompanying this shipwreck are in English ๐ฌ๐ง, as they are prepared by the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) based on data from UKHO and the hydrographic services of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, among others. They include the known details of the wreck and the comments of the cartographers who have checked the position and condition of the wreck over time.
Name: Name nicht bekannt
Year of registration: 1972
Water depth above wreck: -2 meter, Height above seabed: 90 cm
Known since: 1972, last detected: 1991
Details measurements/cartography: H2742/64 22.12.72 ST IN 512337.7N, 003807.5E, OR 023.5DEGS 1550FT FROM OUTFALL LT. (MPA LTR DTD 16.11.72). INS ST.
- NM 75/73. H3874/71 19.12.73 WK DRIES 5MTRS. (MPA, 13.11.73). H1429/74 30.5.74 ST, DRIES 7MTRS, SHOWN 026DEGS 1570FT FROM OUTFALL LT ON MPA SURVEY 1974 [K6900]. CHART AS ST HT 1.2MTRS. 8.3.91 STF, LYING E/W, SHOWN ON PHOTOPLOT PG 2005. (V AERO RN 1/89 DTD 30.6.89 INDEX 1863/230). [WGD] POSN: 5123.661N, 0038.026E.
Comment researcher: UK Hydrographic Office
Position: 51 23.661 N,0 38.026 E