Marina Jachtvereniging Watervrienden (Schoteroog), in Haarlem, Noord-Holland

This is the information page of Jachtvereniging Watervrienden (Schoteroog), on the water map below you can see the marina in its immediate vicinity. On the right you will find the contact details and, if applicable, the website of this marina. Would you like to add more information about this marina? Let us know and we will add it!

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More marinas nearby

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5. Haarlem: Haarlemsche Jachtwerf
6. Haarlem: Jachtvereniging Watervrienden (Penningsveer)
7. Haarlemmerliede: Jachthaven Bij van Assema
8. Heemstede: Haven van Heemstede (foto)
9. Heemstede: Spaarneborghhaven (W.S.V. Van Merlenhaven) (foto)
10. Heemstede: W.S.V. Van Merlenhaven (foto)
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The weather in Haarlem, now:


Zwaar bewolkt

The current weather in Penningsveer is Zwaar bewolkt
Wind Force 4 bft | 14.7 Knopen | 27.2 km/h
Wind direction NO
Wind arrow
Today: Bewolkt en later van het zuiden uit regen. Dinsdag in het noorden sneeuw


Extended weather forecast for Haarlem (click)



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Contact details

Maus Gatsonidesweg 3
2031 AG Haarlem

Phone 06–81600489
The Jachthaven is located on a former farm, which not so long ago received the status of the municipal monument. Schoteroog has approximately 29 berths in the water, even on the site, it is mainly parked in the winter period. The Schoteroog site offers space for around 120 ships. The ships are on goats that are made available by the association. On the site there are also opportunities to redecorate the ships during the summer season or to redecorate a ship in the finishing shed. For smaller ships, such as open boats or sloops, covered space is available in the winter months in "the cowshed". The Schoteroog regulator lives on the site in the old farmhouse. Next to the farm are toilets and a shower and the bar of the JVW. This is operated by bar volunteers during the winter months in the weekends. Schoteroog is close to the Schoterbrug. Over the bridge you end up on the Spaarndamseweg where you are in the middle of the beautiful center of Haarlem with a bus in the short time. There are supermarkets in the neighborhood and it is (albeit a little further) within walking distance and within cycling distance of the Cronje and Marsmanplein shopping center.
Depth KP-1,50m.
Permanent berths: 30
Passers by places: 15


Container Showers
Passers-by welcome Stalling
Toilets Shore power
Washbasins Wi-Fi



€ 1,25 per shiplength, for shore power is calculated € 2,50 per night.


Photo Jachtvereniging Watervrienden (Schoteroog)Photo: Jachtvereniging Watervrienden (Schoteroog)

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