Marina Gemeentelijke passantensteigers, in Haarlem, Noord-Holland

This is the information page of Gemeentelijke passantensteigers, on the water map below you can see the marina in its immediate vicinity. On the right you will find the contact details and, if applicable, the website of this marina. Would you like to add more information about this marina? Let us know and we will add it!

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More marinas nearby

1. Haarlem: De Rietpol
2. Haarlem: Haarlemse Zeilvereniging
3. Haarlem: Haarlemsche Jachtclub (foto)
4. Haarlem: Haarlemsche Jachtwerf
5. Haarlem: Jachtvereniging Watervrienden (Penningsveer)
6. Haarlem: Jachtvereniging Watervrienden (Schoteroog) (foto)
7. Haarlemmerliede: Jachthaven Bij van Assema
8. Heemstede: Haven van Heemstede (foto)
9. Heemstede: Spaarneborghhaven (W.S.V. Van Merlenhaven) (foto)
10. Heemstede: W.S.V. Van Merlenhaven (foto)
11. Spaarndam: W.V. IJmond


The weather in Haarlem, now:


Licht bewolkt

The current weather in Nieuwebrug is Licht bewolkt
Wind Force 1 bft | 1.9 Knopen | 3.6 km/h
Wind direction Zuid
Wind arrow
Today: Zon en een bui


Extended weather forecast for Haarlem (click)



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Contact details

Spaarndamseweg 1
2022 EG Haarlem

Phone Numbers 023-5113310 / Waarderbrug : 023-5115141
Haarlem combines a monumental city center full of sights, shops and museums with a vibrant nightlife. Passers -by can moor at many locations along the beautiful Spaarne on quays and scaffolding. Most locations are equipped with electricity and water points. There is a shower and toilet facilities at 3 locations. On the Kelderwindkade is a wheelchair -accessible landing place with sanitary facility. If you pass through in Haarlem, you pay bridges or you pay a stay (this includes bridging money). Payments can be made via the free App and/or the website
Permanent berths: 2000 vaste
Passers by places: Diverse passantenplekken langs het Spaarne


Container Pay with app
Boat rental Showers
Dressing rooms Passers-by welcome
Restaurant Toilets
Disabled sanitary facilities Shore power
Water Washbasins
Wastewater drain



Rates Bridge Fee : Euro 1.25 per m boat. Overnight stay : 1,45 per m boat per night, Tourist tax Euro 2,-- p.p.n.


Photo Gemeentelijke passantensteigersPhoto: Gemeentelijke passantensteigers

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