This is the information page about the shipwreck Name nicht bekannt, the water chart below shows the wreck in its immediate vicinity. The position of this wreck is 51 46.09 N,2 24.17 E (51.9658333, 2.232)
Open the Water Map of this area in a full window
The texts accompanying this shipwreck are in English ๐ฌ๐ง, as they are prepared by the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) based on data from UKHO and the hydrographic services of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, among others. They include the known details of the wreck and the comments of the cartographers who have checked the position and condition of the wreck over time.
Name: Name nicht bekannt
Year of registration: 1961
Water depth above wreck: 44 meter, Height above seabed: 175 cm
Known since: 1961, last detected: 2007
Details measurements/cartography: H5930/60 23.2.61 H5930/60 23.2.61 OROPESA SWEEP CLEARED 63FT. LEAST E/S DEPTH 120FT IN 135FT. (HMS SCOTT, 13.10.60). INS AS NDW. BR STD. H5930/60 7.5.64 H5930/60 7.5.64 AMEND TO WK 20FMS. NC 3371. H1194/67 18.5.67 H1194/67 18.5.67 INS BY NM. H8169/68 9.1.69 H8169/68 9.1.69 EXAM'D IN 514608N, 022332E [OGB]. LEAST E/S DEPTH 123 IN GEN DEPTH 130FT. SCOUR 138FT. SEABED OF SANDWAVES. (HMS BULLDOG, HI 38/68). NCA H2350/85 4.12.86 H2350/85 4.12.86 EXAM'D 23.5.86 IN 514603N, 022418E [OGB] USING HIFIX/6 [3 LOP]. LEAST E/S DEPTH 35 IN GEN DEPTH 41MTRS. SCOUR 2.5 MTRS DEEP. DCS3 HT 6.7MTRS, LENGTH 75MTRS, APPROX. LYING 185/005 DEG, SOME 125MTRS N OF LARGE SANDWAVE WITH SIMILAR LEAST DEPTH. INTACT. (NP 1008, HI 317A). AMEND POSN. BR STD. 6.9.93 6.9.93 SHOWN IN 514607N, 022416E [EUR] ON NETHERLANDS 3371 [1993 EDN]. NCA. HH090/922/01 15.5.2001 HH090/922/01 EXAM'D 15.5.2001 IN 5146.095N, 0224.163E [WGD] USING DGPS. LEAST E/S DEPTH 34.5 IN GEN DEPTH 44MTRS. NO SCOUR. LENGTH 35MTRS, WIDTH 10MTRS. DCS3 HT 10.8MTRS. LIES 170/350 DEGS. STRONG MAGNETIC ANOMALY. INTACT. (NP 1008, HI 922). PROBABLY UPRIGHT. AMEND TO WK 34MTRS. BR STD. HH091/159/01 2.8.07 HH091/159/01 2.8.07 LOCATED 30.3.07 IN 5146.090N, 0224.170E [WGD] USING DGPS. LEAST M/B DEPTH 34.49 IN GEN DEPTH 41.7MTRS. LENGTH 34.7MTRS, WIDTH 11MTRS, HT 7.3MTRS. LIES 175/355 DEGS WITH BOWS 1745 DEGS. STRONG MAGNETIC ANOMALY. (OSAE, HI 1159). RETAIN WK 34MTRS IN REVISED POSN. BR STD.
Comment researcher: UK Hydrographic Office
Commentaar onderzoeker: INTACT
Position: 51 46.09 N,2 24.17 E