Zeesluis Oudesluis, in Oudesluis: opening hours and contact

All about the Zeesluis Oudesluis: service times, location and contact details. On the water map below do you see this lock complex in its immediate vicinity. On the right on this page you will find the locking times, additional information and the telephone numbers and VHF channels.



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More information

How does passing throug a lock work?

For seasoned water sports enthusiasts it is a simple procedure, but if you are not yet experienced on the water, entering and exiting the lock can be an impressive experience. How does it work, where do you moor, what should you pay attention to?


Shipping times Zeesluis-Oudesluis

Zeesluis Oudesluis

Width: 6.9 meter, length: 30.2 meter.
Threshold depth downstream/outside: 2 meter, threshold depth up/inside: 2 meter.

VHF-Channel: channel not specified
Phone number: 0224-221283

Service times this week

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, between 10:00h and 18:00h
Holidays, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, between 00:00h and 23:59h

Operating times all year round

From 15-05 until 19-05

Holidays, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, between 10:00h and 18:00h
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, between 00:00h and 23:59h

From 20-05 until 14-09

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, between 10:00h and 18:00h
Holidays, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, between 00:00h and 23:59h

From 15-09 until 14-05

All days, between 00:00h and 23:59h - No service

Waterschap Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier
Postbus 250
1700 AG Heerhugowaard

Administrator visiting address
Stationsplein 136 1703 WC Heerhugowaard
Phone: 072 5828282

Data updated: 25 Juli 2024, 05:26 uur, all data comes directly from Rijkswaterstaat systems.

Is something incorrect in the above information? Please submit your changes via the Fairway reporter.



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