Marina WSVD Watersportvereniging Dronten, in Dronten, Flevoland

This is the information page of WSVD Watersportvereniging Dronten, on the water map below you can see the marina in its immediate vicinity. On the right you will find the contact details and, if applicable, the website of this marina. Would you like to add more information about this marina? Let us know and we will add it!

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More marinas nearby

1. Biddinghuizen: W.S.V. Biddinghuizen
2. Dronten: Gicom Jachtcentrum Ketelhaven
3. Ketelhaven: Jachthaven Ketelmeer
4. Swifterbant: W.S.V. Swift


The weather in Dronten, now:


Lichte sneeuw

The current weather in Dronten is Lichte sneeuw
Wind Force 3 bft | 8 Knopen | 14.8 km/h
Wind direction NO
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Today: Af en toe regen, in het noorden ook sneeuw en plaatselijk glad


Extended weather forecast for Dronten (click)



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Contact details

Watersportkade 2
8253 ZC Dronten

Phone Numbers 0321-337879 / 06-42100404
You will find our beautiful harbor just 45 minutes by boat from the Ketelsluis, over quietly sheltered waters. Thanks to its location, the harbor is an ideal intermediate station for the passer -by on passing. Due to the many facilities of the port you can prepare your boat for a long stay on the water. With us you can refuel GTL, fill your water tank or, for example, turn a laundry. Enjoy a cool drink or a delicious meal on our floating terrace. Localized in the modern idyllic harbor quarter of Dronten, you are on our free loan bikes or with a short walk in the Suydersee shopping center. Here you can, among other things, bring your provisions back up or have a nice shopping. If you have any questions, please call the port office: 0321-337879.
Permanent berths: 100
Passers by places: 20


Container Pay with app
Berths secured Fuel
Showers Bike rental
Dressing rooms Passers-by welcome
Restaurant Toilets
Shore power Laundromat
Washbasins Wi-Fi
Wastewater drain

Wastewater drain: Met assistentie havenmeester te gebruiken; voor passanten ligplaatsen en ligplaatshouders; buiten vaarseizoen op afspraak.
Wastewater disposal opening hours: 9:00 - 17:00 tijdens vaarseizoen


Liggeld passanten: €1.60 per stretching meter


Photo WSVD Watersportvereniging DrontenPhoto: WSVD Watersportvereniging Dronten

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