Contact details
Durgerdammerdijk 99A
1026 CD Durgerdam
Contact:Phone 06-14750510
Water sports club Durgerdam manages a harbor with around 90 berths on the outdoor IJ against the backdrop of the old fishing village of Durgerdam. Within cycling distance of the busy Amsterdam, and surrounded by unique nature reserves such as the IJdoornpolder and Waterland, the most important breeding area for meadow birds in Europe. The port of WSV Durgerdam is a non-commercial association port, where mainly residents of Durgerdam and villages from the area have their (often classic) boats. The aim of the association has set itself the unique character of the former fishing port as much as possible and strives for a port that fits seamlessly into the area, the nature and the character of the old fishing village. Key words are: silence, respect, peace, care for nature, self -reliance and sustainability. From those starting points, the association deliberately chose to abandon modern facilities in the port. We have no special places or facilities for passers -by. Yet you are very welcome to moor your boat for a night on a berth of a member of the association that is not there. We use the well-known system of the green-red signs for this. Reservations are not possible.
Container |
€2 p.m.
Photo: Durgerdam - W.S.V. Durgerdam
The weather in Durgerdam, now:
Geheel bewolkt

Wind Force
3 bft |
10.2 Knopen |
18.9 km/hWind direction
Today: Vooral in het noorden en midden geregeld zon. Morgen veel bewolking
Extended weather forecast for Durgerdam (click)