Marina W.S.V. De Maas, in Venlo, Limburg

This is the information page of W.S.V. De Maas, on the water map below you can see the marina in its immediate vicinity. On the right you will find the contact details and, if applicable, the website of this marina. Would you like to add more information about this marina? Let us know and we will add it!

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This marina has a Blue Flag
The Blue Flag is an international environmental award, awarded annually to beaches and marinas that have proven to be clean and safe. The marinas must meet the following criteria:

• Water and quays are clean
• Good hygienic sanitary facilities are sufficiently available
• There is a separate waste collection system, preferably also for bilge water and waste water< br>• Discharges of waste water from boats and port facilities into the water of the port are prohibited
• Rescue and extinguishing materials are available
• There are port regulations with codes of conduct for visitors
• There is information about how to deal with nature and the environment available



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3. Venlo: Stadhaven


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Contact details

5928 NT Venlo

Phone 06-46005666
WSV De Maas welcomes you to their port. The harbor has only been renovated, which means that it has more spacious berths with more safety and comfort. The New & Quot; Badhoès & Quot; (shower and toilet block) is ready. Moreover, WSV De Maas has completely renovated the club building. Partly because of this, WSV De Maas received the Blue Flag in May 2012. Be surprised and come and take a look at the new season. As a service, WSV De Maas offers free loan bikes, so that you can explore the area. The villages of Blerick and Grubbenvorst and the shopping town of Venlo are within cycling distance, so that you can combine the stay in the harbor with nice trips. There is also the cozy restaurant De Admiraal at the harbor where you can eat delicious food for a good price, with a natural view of the harbor. For more info, visit Steigers.
Depth SP-1,80m=NAP+9,05m.
Permanent berths: 200
Passers by places: 50


Container Berths secured
Fuel Showers
Dressing rooms Passers-by welcome
Restaurant Stalling
Playground Toilets
Disabled sanitary facilities Trailer ramp
Shore power Water
Washbasins Wastewater drain



Passers-by per running meter per day €1.20


The weather in Venlo, now:


Geheel bewolkt

The current weather in Genooi is Geheel bewolkt
Wind Force 2 bft | 3.9 Knopen | 7.2 km/h
Wind direction Noord
Wind arrow
Today: Rustig en droog najaarsweer met geregeld zon


Extended weather forecast for Venlo (click)