Marina Passantenhaven De Uutwiek, in Oldeberkoop, Friesland

This is the information page of Passantenhaven De Uutwiek, on the water map below you can see the marina in its immediate vicinity. On the right you will find the contact details and, if applicable, the website of this marina. Would you like to add more information about this marina? Let us know and we will add it!

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More marinas nearby

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The weather in Oldeberkoop, now:


Licht bewolkt

The current weather in Oldeberkoop is Licht bewolkt
Wind Force 1 bft | 0 Knopen | 0 km/h
Wind direction ZZW
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Today: Vannacht plaatselijk mist. Overdag soms zon, maar in het (zuid)oosten regen


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Contact details

8421 PJ Oldeberkoop

Phone 06-20218117
In Oldeberkoop, an old village in Southeast Friesland, is a nice marina: De Uutwiek. The atmosphere is quiet, pleasant and hospitable. The stately village is a sight with its monumental buildings and beautiful park forests. The adjacent nature reserves are also worth a visit. The Uutwiek is located on the Turfroute: the well -known recreational and tourist sailing route through Drenthe, Friesland and Overijssel. The Uutwiek is an excellent stopping place on the Turfroute. The many facilities in the port make the stay comfortable. Oldeberkoop is a beautiful village to view and there are enough stores where daily shopping can be done. You can take beautiful walks in the park forests and nature reserves and you can cycle in the immediate vicinity. For those who appreciate peace and comfort or, in addition to sailing, also want to walk or cycle, the Uutwiek is ideally suited to stay longer. From Oldeberkoop you can also visit nearby villages and their sights by bike


Container Showers
Bike rental Dressing rooms
Passers-by welcome Toilets
Shore power Water
Laundromat Washbasins
Wastewater drain



Photo Passantenhaven De UutwiekPhoto: Passantenhaven De Uutwiek

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