Marina Marina Stavoren, in Stavoren, Friesland

This is the information page of Marina Stavoren, on the water map below you can see the marina in its immediate vicinity. On the right you will find the contact details and, if applicable, the website of this marina. Would you like to add more information about this marina? Let us know and we will add it!

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The weather in Stavoren, now:


Lichte motregen en regen

The current weather in Stavoren is Lichte motregen en regen
Wind Force 6 bft | 23.3 Knopen | 43.2 km/h
Wind direction NNW
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Today: Vandaag een enkele bui, woensdag overwegend droog


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Contact details

Middelweg 15
8715 ET Stavoren

Phone 088-0504110
Marina Stavoren Binnenhaven is uniquely situated between the IJsselmeer and the Frisian lakes. The oldest Elfstedenstad and also Hanseatic city of Stavoren, just like the IJsselmeer, is within walking distance. The port offers permanent berth holders and passers -by optimum facilities for the whole family. The large sailing area makes Marina Stavoren Binnenhaven an ideal base. Due to the arrival of a second lock, long waiting times when locking are a thing of the past. A trip to the Wadden Islands or a day at Enkhuizen or Medemblik can therefore be done well from here. It is also a great place to be on the Frisian lakes where you will find lively villages and towns such as Heeg, Woudsend, IJlst and Sneek. Marina Stavoren Binnenhaven offers excellent and extensive facilities for your ship and crew. Most facilities include, such as the sanitary facilities, the covered swimming pool and the covered playroom.
Depth KP-2,80m.
Permanent berths: 330
Passers by places: 100


Container Fuel
Showers Bike rental
Dressing rooms Passers-by welcome
Restaurant Stalling
Playground Toilets
Shore power Water sports shop
Laundromat Washbasins
Wi-Fi Wastewater drain



Photo Marina StavorenPhoto: Marina Stavoren

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