Jachthaven De Prinsentuin, in Leeuwarden, Friesland

This is the information page of Jachthaven De Prinsentuin, on the water map below you can see the marina in its immediate vicinity. On the right you will find the contact details and, if applicable, the website of this marina. Would you like to add more information about this marina? Let us know and we will add it!

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More marinas nearby

1. Britsum: W.V. De Klompskippers
2. Deinum: Jachthaven Deinum (foto)
3. Feinsum (finkum): Jachthaven It Spoardok
4. Leeuwarden: Jachthaven De Grote Wielen
5. Leeuwarden: De Nieuwe Leeuwarder Jachthaven (foto)
6. Leeuwarden: Hemrik Marine (foto)
7. Leeuwarden: Jachthaven de Zwemmer
8. Leeuwarden: Watersport Twee Provinciën (foto)
9. Mantgum: Passantenhaven Mantgum
10. Weidum: Hotel/Restaurant Weidumerhout
11. Wergea (warga): Wergeaster Wettersport Feriening


The weather in Leeuwarden, now:


Droog na regen

The current weather in Leeuwarden is Droog na regen
Wind Force 4 bft | 13.6 Knopen | 25.2 km/h
Wind direction ZZO
Wind arrow
Today: Vooral in de nacht buien, overdag perioden met zon


Extended weather forecast for Leeuwarden (click)



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Contact details

Prinsentuin 3
8911 DE Leeuwarden

Phone 058-2336190
Marina in the center of Leeuwarden. As a visitor, you can moor your boat in the Prinsentuin. You can do so in the middle of the park, at the Noordersingel or at the Westerplantage. You can report to the harbor office from 14:00. You can also wait until the harbor master comes to you. The harbor master makes several rounds through the harbor and is happy to meet you at your boat.

. You pay by debit card, credit card or by using the mobile banking app on your own phone. You cannot pay with cash.

Permanent berths: 0
Passers by places: 50


Container Showers
Bike rental Dressing rooms
Passers-by welcome Toilets
Shore power Laundromat
Washbasins Wastewater drain



€1,82 per running meter, per day (included VAT). Water and electricity free, washing machine €5,00, Dryer €4,00


Photo © Jurjen DrenthPhoto: © Jurjen Drenth

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