Marina Jachtclub Hedel, in Hedel, Gelderland

This is the information page of Jachtclub Hedel, on the water map below you can see the marina in its immediate vicinity. On the right you will find the contact details and, if applicable, the website of this marina. Would you like to add more information about this marina? Let us know and we will add it!

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6. Den bosch: W.V. Neptunus
7. Hedel: W.V. 't Stik
8. Kerkdriel: Watersportcenter Kerkdriel
9. Kerkdriel: Marina Kerkdriel
10. Zaltbommel: Zaltbommelse Watersportvereniging de Golfbreker


The weather in Hedel, now:


Droog na regen

The current weather in Crèvecoeur is Droog na regen
Wind Force 4 bft | 11.7 Knopen | 21.6 km/h
Wind direction NW
Wind arrow
Today: Koel, een enkele bui met vandaag langs de kust eerst nog veel wind


Extended weather forecast for Hedel (click)



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Contact details

Maasdijk 16
5321 GP Hedel

Phone 06-42840002
Jachtclub Hedel is a club hunting port that is located near the characteristic traffic bridge and railway bridge at Kilotten 220. When you see the Havenpin inland shipping you can see Hedel Jachtoboord. You can moor to the reporting jet or take a berth immediately. The free berths are marked with a green plate. All passers-by ligplaces are equipped with side scaffolding. They are particularly appreciated by dog owners and our guests who like to go out by bike. Or go shopping. There is free WiFi and of course the port has a neat sanitary room that is open for 24 hours. Your safety has also been thought of. That is why the entrance gate is closed (electronically) day and night. The gate can easily be opened with an access code. There are video surveillance and in various places swimming steps and fire extinguishers have been placed. For questions, advice and assistance you can contact the regulator who lives on the Ark. You will receive the WiFi code and the access code of the gate from the supervisor. Reservations can only be made via the telephone number, not via e-mail. See you in our port!
Permanent berths: 55
Passers by places: 4


Container Berths secured
Showers Toilets
Shore power Water
Washbasins Wi-Fi



Passers-by E1,25 p/m. Tourist tax E1,50. Shore power (6A) E2,-


Photo Jachtclub HedelPhoto: Jachtclub Hedel

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